You are a parent, a community member, a taxpayer, a businessman, and most importantly, a [[raccoon]].You are digging through the trash.
You find {(live: 1.5s)[(either: "pizza crusts.", "beer cans.", "used qtips.", "burnt sausages.", "eggshells.", "fish bones.", "packing pellets.", "plastic wrap.", "wet cardboard.", "a broken hairbrush.", "old clothes.", "greasy paper plates.")]}
[[... What's this?]]You find a box filled with dank nugs. On the side, in glitter glue, is written, "Johnny's Supply".
[[Kleven]]'s going to be fucking stoked.Is this... the end?
Is this it for me?
One more day to live...
I stare at my reflection in the side of the tank. Distorted. Pained.
If only I could see past myself, into the darkness beyond?
What cruel fate would find me there?
I can no longer be sure of anything.
When was the last time I ate something?
When did I last sleep?
I can't remember ever having slept in my whole life.
I can't recall the taste of food.
Nor the touch of moonlight against my scales.
Am I alone?
Is there nobody else in this vast yet constricted watery world?
I can only hope... I can only sleep. I can can only wait.
[[What am I doing again?]]Poseidon swirls a fine crystal wine glass in his tiny fluffy paw, and mews thoughtfully.
He takes a sip of CAT WINE, a truly rare vintage, and savors it for a moment before leveling his gaze at YOU...
"Raccoon businessman. Why have you arranged this quaint meeting out here in the Back Porch?"
"Your people have no need for Johnny's dank nugs. You are all set with the catnip hustle. If you can just make sure some of it gets in the trash now and then..."
"And what do you think you can offer in return?"
[["We can distract the dogs."]]THE END
thanks for playing Junk Weed
made by nife and sper
[[Again?|Start]]JUNK WEED
by nife and sper